Your Connection, Your Message,
Your Way!

Create lasting bond with your customers through personalized texts.

TXTBond uses your personal or business mobile number to send bulk SMS.

Why TXTBond?

Send SMS from your number

TxtBond lets you send SMS messages in bulk using your mobile handset.

Personalized bulk SMS

Use your own mobile number to send personalized messages. Get replies and calls from your customers.

Lowest cost

TxtBond allows you to use your own mobile device.So, the cost per SMS is relatively low when you take bulk package from your carrier.


Sign Up


Install TXTBond on android


Send bulk SMS

It’s that simple!

STOP Bombarding customers with bulk sms that looks like it was sent by a robot. Get customers to know you through personalized messages.


Why is TXTBond different from other bulk SMS services?

Are there any service charges? Or how cost effective is this?

Can i use TXTBond without installing app on my android device?

How safe is TxtBond?
